Friday, October 13, 2006

October Beginnings

On Tuesday 10/3, Jeff was once again transported by ambulance to the Medical Center – this time, to finally have the external fixator removed. And the change in Jeff is both a blessing and a curse! On the one hand, its removal seems to have alleviated some of the pain Jeff has been dealing with. On the other hand, Jeff now thinks he can get up and walk whenever he wants. He has NOT been given the go-ahead from any of his doctors to do this, but it's nearly impossible to convince him to stay in bed.

Family Swarm
On the weekend of the 7th and 8th, all the siblings and nieces and nephews were in town to visit. Jeff was thrilled to see everyone -- and we were thrilled to see some signs of the 'old' Jeff. He smiled, laughed, and even cracked a joke or two. We played a variety of games (Catch, Dots, Hangman, Thumb Wrestle) which he seemed to enjoy. He again read some entries in his Visitors' Journal and recounted memories while looking through a collection of photos. He even appreciated some silly new nicknames ... Skinny Legs and Bony Butt.

Current Outlook
Overall, Jeff has good days and bad, which we're told is typical with brain injuries. Depression, agitation, and fear all come and go and may continue for some time. He is still on lots of medications, and these sometimes add to the problem while relieving the pain. But he has certainly come a long way. Much patience will still be required, but clearly there is room for some optimism.